Monthly Archives: December 2012


“That voice is round me like a bursting sea:

‘And is thy earth so marred,

Shattered in shard on shard?

Lo, all things fly thee, for thou fliest Me!…

All which I took from thee I did but take,

Not for thy harms,

But just that thou might’st seek it in My arms.

All which thy child’s mistake

Fancied as lost, I have stored for thee at home.

Rise, clasp My hand, and come! “

– Francis Thompson, “The Hound of Heaven”

Sometimes we think that life is unfair.  We may start to believe that bad things happen to us for no reason.  Sometimes we complain that we aren’t getting what we want. We think these things because we have forgotten what we already have.  It resides in every single one of us.  It is more powerful than money or any materialistic good.  It is stronger than any relationship or any bond.  This one Thing that we have always had and will always have gives us true happiness, abundance, and joy.  It’s force is great and It’s energy is endless.  It’s God.  We just have to try to remember everyday.


for thou fliest Me!